Treat Your Leaky Gut in Springdale

Leaky Gut Syndrome is caused by damage to the lining of the intestines. This can come about for a number of reasons from autoimmune diseases to food allergies, IBS or even excessive alcohol consumption.

The syndrome can affect people of any age or health and often results in autoimmune reactions, as particles of undigested food enter the bloodstream from tears in the intestinal walls. This, in turn, leads to problems such as abdominal bloating, excessive gas, cramps, and joint pain.

Our chiropractors located in the center of Springdale Arkansas are here to help. We can advise you on the best course of treatment and book appointments around your schedule.

How Does Chiropractic Treatment Help a Leaky Gut?

Chiropractic adjustments are a non-invasive form of treatment that helps your body heal itself. Adjustments are made that are personalized for your specific issue and can be used to reduce the stress on your immune system, allowing your immune system to heal your leaky gut on its own and help prevent further problems.

Leaky Gut Syndrome is often not recognized by traditional physicians so it can be difficult to find medications and treatments for the condition. However, many who have suffered from Leaky Gut Syndrome find that chiropractic therapies help alleviate symptoms and can get their gut health back in balance.  

If you are in the Springdale area and are suffering from a leaky gut, call us today and speak to one of our friendly team who can advise you on the best treatment option or book you in for an appointment.